Saturday, 19 September 2009

Student Weekly Blog (8)

This week I also need go to the Varsity Mall to look on our stall. Besides that, my group member and I will also delivery the Hari Raya dedication to the receiver that near to our residential hall.

I had done the third quiz in the class which was prepared by my IT Entrepreneurship lecturer, Madam Rafidah. Our group also had done the weekly presentation about our business activity. We had pass up the business activity project, business plan to our lecturer.

The end of this week, I knew that there was one competition about business plan and business idea which conducted by MSC. The presentation about this competition was presented by Assoc Prof Azizi Zakaria. He thought us that this competition is to produce for the IT product. We must competitive during business. IT entrepreneurship is teaching us how to become an entrepreneur, and it was also an option to us either to become the entrepreneur or not. This competition also support by Collaboration between Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC) and Institutions of Higher Learning (IHLs).

The objective of the competition is to inculcate a culture of Technopreneurship in Institutions of Higher Learning. Besides that, it also provides exposure and knowledge of key compression required in becoming a successful technopreneur. For the example, student can rent their boxes which was still in good condition to another student for put their thing without throw it away. The scope for the competition is using application software or software and hardware.

The competition of business idea is open to all undergraduate students, demonstrates the commercial viability of the idea, and does not require a prototype or product. While, the competition of business plan is open to all undergraduate and postgraduate, and it is require a prototype or product. The team of the competition must have two or three persons in one group.

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