Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Title: Multimedia Application- QMovie

Type: Group assignment
Course: STIV 3083 Multimedia Design

Developed by:
Hii Shin Yen (Me)
Sing Siew Hoong
Tan Ai Ni
Lee Poi See
Wong Hsiu Chuen

Software: Adobe Photoshop CS4, Adobe Dreamweaver CS3, Adobe Premiere CS4, Windows Movie Maker, Adobe Flash CS4, and Cyber link Power Director.

Nowadays, the technology in the world is fast rising to level up the lifestyle of human. Entertainment is the one often required by the top level of the living things on the earth. Since, it can’t be escape or skip anyway as function to calm and reduce the stress everyone. The theme of our project is entertainment. We would develop an application that can make use to entertain the desired end-user. We had decided to develop a kind of website application which is consisting of several genres of movie trailer. The name for our movie trailer is QMovie.

Below are the figures of the QMovie application:

Figure 1: Home page

Figure 2: About us site

Figure 3: War site

Figure 4: Action site

Figure 5: Romantic site. When user point to the image, the image will be enlarge.

Figure 6: List of gallery site

Figure 7: Gallery site

Figure 8: Cast site

Figure 9: Continue of cast site

Title: Web- Quiz 1

Type: Individual assignment
Course: STIV 3013 Www.Programming

Developed by: Hii Shin Yen (Me)

Software: Adobe Photoshop CS4, Adobe Dreamweaver CS3

This assignment is the first quiz for my www programming course. I was required by lecturer to do the web site that introduce ourself, and I must use the html syntax that provided to design and create the website.

Below are the figures of my webpage:

Figure 1: Main page

Figure 2: Continue from main page

Figure 3: Continue from main page

Title: Website- Fashion Bee

Type: Group assignment
Course: STID3103 User Centered Design

Developed by:
Hii Shin Yen (Me)
Chin Ting Ting
Sing Siew Hoong

Software: Adobe Photoshop CS4, Adobe Dreamweaver CS3, Adobe Flash CS3

We are require to design and develop the website, where each group consist at least 3 members. We need to create a mock-up sale and purchase system. The mock-up system need contain all the interface elements where users should be able to interact with the system. Besides that, we also need to find all the requirements to create the system as it can helps we during the development process. The mock-up system will be evaluated based on its look, interactivity, and functionality.

Below are some of the figure for the website:

Figure 1: Main Page

Figure 2: Women's wear site

Figure 3: Men's wear site

Figure 4: Accessories site

Figure 5: Sleeping wear site

Figure 6: Size charts site

Figure 7: Shipping rate site

Figure 8: Return and exchanges site

Figure 9: Testimonial site

Figure 10: Privacy statement site

Title: Ergonomic product prototype-M-THOS

Type: Group assignment
Course: SCCT 3133 Ergonomic

Developed by:
Hii Shin Yen (Me)
Sing Siew Hoong
Teo Han Fei
Mastura Binti Mohamad
Onuoha Kelechi Clarence

Software: Adobe Photoshop CS4


Our company M-THOS is furniture based company. Professional in designing both home and office base furniture for the comfort of our customers. One of our recent design is a Calendar Adjustable Bookshelf which is the one of the simplest, usable, and efficient furniture in terms of designs and functionality. The sole aim of this product is to provide a neat, organized way to collect, display, and locates your book collections in the shelf. More so, there are diverse colour, styles and sizes available according to the choice of the customer.

In cases where a customer does not find her taste, she can place a order for us to build for her. Calendar Adjustable Bookshelf is the name that we given to the product. It is a bookshelf which can be adjusted according to the desire of the user; hence, it has a time adjuster as well.

Timetable shelf is our latest designed product which is a (book) shelf which provides the user to adjust the height of the shelf along with a timetable concept as a complement. It is a design that combines both the simple yet crucial aspects in our daily life: time and space.

Target Users
Our primary target users are Malaysians. Thou we still look at selling our products to other countries within the Asian region. The height of our products corresponds with the average height of people in Asia according to statistics.
Since our product (book shelves) is furniture which is common used by everyone, our target users is not limited to students alone. Families have purchase for their home use as well.

Below are the figures of Calender Adjustable Bookshelf:

Figure 1: Logo of M-THOS

Figure 2: Full design of the Calendar Adjustable Bookshelf

Figure 3: Step 1 to set the bookshelf

Figure 4: Step 2 to set the bookshelf

Figure 5: Picture after finish setting

Figure 6: Adjustment of the bookshelf

Title: Mobile Application- Screamer

Type: Group assignment
Course: STIV 3063 Mobile Multimedia Technology and Ubiquitous Computing

Developed by:
Hii Shin Yen (Me)
Chin Ting Ting
Sing Siew Hoong
Teo Han Fei

Software: Adobe Photoshop CS4

We conducted to develop a prototype for assistive technology that can be used inclusively for those are vision impaired. The prototype that we developed, Screamer@ is a comprehensive design product that can address the needs for the vision impaired user (more specifically the blind). For us, this is a very helpful inclusive access product, which has audio beeper that use sensor to help blind users.

Prototype Name: Screamer@
Target Audience:
The vision Impaired (more specifically the blind).
Purpose: To help the Vision-Impaired to keep in check their belongings.
Consist of two parts: The stuffed teddy animal shape is the transmitter, while the blocky shape is the receiver.

Below are some of the pictures about the Screamer:

Picture: Poster of the screamer

Picture 2: Picture of the screamer from side

Picture 3: Picture after the screamer is open

Picture 4: Picture from front side

Friday, 18 March 2011

Title: System development - Ondine Museum

Type: Group assignment
Course: STID3163 Software Engineering

Developed by:
Hii Shin Yen (Me)
Chin Ting Ting
Sing Siew Hoong
Wong Kar Pooi

Software: Adobe Photoshop CS4, Adobe Dreamweaver CS3, Visual Basic 6

In our project system is talking about a collection of dolls that conserve in the museum. We name it as Ondine Museum.
It consist a lot of dolls and divide to several categories. So, each category has different dolls which are place and store on different locations. For instances, Barbie dolls, Celebrities dolls, Fashion dolls and Woody dolls are being store in specific locations.

Ondine Museum System is a system that allow the visitor or public to find where the location of the dolls with easily. It also can help them to find out more about the dolls information which are on display. For instances, visitors can search where the doll located and its information with floor plan of the system.

Hence, Ondine Museum System is a computerized management system that provides the visitors the efficient ways to search and visit the museum though the facility provided to them. Then they will be able to visit the dolls museum with ease and fun without any training in the computer system.

Below are the figures of our Ondine Museum:

Figure 1: Main page of Ondine Museum system

Figure 2: Admin page

Figure 3: Staff menu

Figure 4: Staff information menu

Figure 5: Doll information menu

Figure 6: Home menu

Figure 7: Doll search

Figure 8: Doll’s information menu

Figure 9: Map

Figure 10: Leave comment menu

Title: Stop Motion – Charming Doll

Type: Group assignment
Course: STIV 3043 Technology Video Digital

Developed by:
Hii Shin Yen (Me)
Chin Ting Ting
Sing Siew Hoong
Lim Pei Jian
Margareta anak Remang

Software: Adobe Photoshop CS4, Adobe Premiere Cs4

In doing the stop motion, our group need to set the background and buy some material that we will use for the stop motion. We also take some picture and video by combining them with using the Adobe Premiere. For this stop motion we doing the storyboard, write script, and find suitable sound for the background of stop motion.

• Doll
• Doll’s friend
• Hand

Doll was enter to room after finished took her bath, and wear shoe to go out to find her friend. When she had met with her friend, suddenly she fall down. Hand will place two of the dolls in some place, and start to draw them. After hand had finished drawing, the light will close.

Below are some figures of our stop motion:

Figure 1: Background for our stop motion

Figure 2: Dolls for our stop motion

Figure 3: Poster