Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Title: Mobile Application- Screamer

Type: Group assignment
Course: STIV 3063 Mobile Multimedia Technology and Ubiquitous Computing

Developed by:
Hii Shin Yen (Me)
Chin Ting Ting
Sing Siew Hoong
Teo Han Fei

Software: Adobe Photoshop CS4

We conducted to develop a prototype for assistive technology that can be used inclusively for those are vision impaired. The prototype that we developed, Screamer@ is a comprehensive design product that can address the needs for the vision impaired user (more specifically the blind). For us, this is a very helpful inclusive access product, which has audio beeper that use sensor to help blind users.

Prototype Name: Screamer@
Target Audience:
The vision Impaired (more specifically the blind).
Purpose: To help the Vision-Impaired to keep in check their belongings.
Consist of two parts: The stuffed teddy animal shape is the transmitter, while the blocky shape is the receiver.

Below are some of the pictures about the Screamer:

Picture: Poster of the screamer

Picture 2: Picture of the screamer from side

Picture 3: Picture after the screamer is open

Picture 4: Picture from front side

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