Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Title: Multimedia Application- QMovie

Type: Group assignment
Course: STIV 3083 Multimedia Design

Developed by:
Hii Shin Yen (Me)
Sing Siew Hoong
Tan Ai Ni
Lee Poi See
Wong Hsiu Chuen

Software: Adobe Photoshop CS4, Adobe Dreamweaver CS3, Adobe Premiere CS4, Windows Movie Maker, Adobe Flash CS4, and Cyber link Power Director.

Nowadays, the technology in the world is fast rising to level up the lifestyle of human. Entertainment is the one often required by the top level of the living things on the earth. Since, it can’t be escape or skip anyway as function to calm and reduce the stress everyone. The theme of our project is entertainment. We would develop an application that can make use to entertain the desired end-user. We had decided to develop a kind of website application which is consisting of several genres of movie trailer. The name for our movie trailer is QMovie.

Below are the figures of the QMovie application:

Figure 1: Home page

Figure 2: About us site

Figure 3: War site

Figure 4: Action site

Figure 5: Romantic site. When user point to the image, the image will be enlarge.

Figure 6: List of gallery site

Figure 7: Gallery site

Figure 8: Cast site

Figure 9: Continue of cast site

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