Saturday, 8 August 2009

Student Weekly Blog Report 4

This week I will finish my assignment that given by my discrete structure lecturer. I also will read the note that given by Madam Rafidah in learncare, and do some note for the topic that I had learned.

I had gone to the third workshop that presented by Dr.Shaidah Jusoh at PSB Auditorium, on 5 August, 10.00 to 11.00am. The title that presented by her was about “How to improve your memory”. Besides that, this week our group had done the presentation about four applications that based on theme One Malaysia for business idea proposal.

This week I learned about the oral presentation. For the preparation and delivery of presentation, we need to write a script, know subject method, practice the script and keep it around for quick reference during talk. We need to step up an outline of our talk and cue cards, then practice and bring it for reference, and use them during talk.

There are five actions need to take attention when delivering an oral presentation, such as timing, volume, pacing, speed, gestures and posture, and verbal crutches. For the timing, we must make sure to keep within the 7-minutes time limit. Anything under 6 minutes is also a problem. We usually are giving 15 minutes to present the assignment those more than 10 pages. While, time for class presentation is usually around 10 minutes, if over than 10 minutes, that means the person didn’t practice for the presentation. We can do some rehearsal, write a script, or find some other way to get the timing right.

For volume, we must speak loud enough so that all of our audiences can hear us. If sound not loud, we can use microphone to speech. We might find some way to practice speaking a little louder in the days before the oral presentation. Sometimes, someone will talk too fast when they are nervous. These make audience hard to follow. If you speak a bit more slowly and deliberately than you do in normal conversation, audience will more understand what you want to present.

Besides that, we must avoid always do many gestures and posture. We can plan to keep our hands clasped together or holding onto the podium and only occasionally making some gesture. We need to avoid give our back to the audience, and avoid slouching at the podium and leaning against the wall. We also need to watch out too many nervous verbal habits like “uh,” “you know,” and “okay”. Before the oral presentation, we need to practice speaking without nervous verbal, so we can more confident do the presentation.

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