Friday, 31 July 2009

Student Weekly Blog Report (3)

This week I actually have two meeting with my group members for two subjects on Tuesday, 28 July. But when I was finished my class on Sunday, 26 July, our university suddenly needed to close for one week, because of H1N1 that occur in our university. So our meeting needs to cancel because they were went to their home. Most of my friends were gone to their home after received the news that they cannot go out from university after 8.00pm. But after that, I knew that was rumor, we can went home at tomorrow. However, I still stay at my hostel because of my hometown was at Sarawak.

I had accomplished the note that needed to do on the holiday. Besides that, I also sent the proposal that I done to my group leader of IT Entrepreneurship through the e-mail. I hope that she can understand the thing that I want to explain. Cause of this one week holidays, I afraid that, we need to rush to finish our assignment. It is because, so many assignment and quiz that we need to handle in one week. I afraid there were no many time to finish it.

For this week, I had learned about business plan that need to do when we want to do a business. Business plan is a written narrative, it typically 25 to 35 pages long, that describes what a new business plans to accomplish. Besides that, the business plan also is a dual-purpose document that used in both inside and outside the firm. There are two primary audiences for a firm’s business plan, one of the audience is firm’s employees, will another one is investors and other external stakeholders.

The first guideline for writing business plan is structure of the business plan. To make the best impression, business plan should follow a conventional structure, such as the outline for the business plan. There are many software packages available that employ an interactive, menu-driven approach to assist in the writing of a business plan. We also need the sense of excitement that along with facts and figures. Business plan needs to project a sense of anticipation and excitement about the possibilities that surround a new venture. The second guideline for writing a business plan is content of the business plan; the business plan should have clear and concise information on all the important aspects of the proposed venture. There are three types of business plan, which are summary business plan, full business plan, and operational business plan.

In an investor presentation, it must include the ten power point slides, such as title slide, problem, solution, business model, management team, industry and target market, competition, intellectual property, financial projections, and current status, amount of money requested, and projected use of funds.

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