Saturday, 17 October 2009

Student Weekly Blog (11)

This week our group will work on the final report for the presentation. We also need to do the video for the presentation. We had finished done the website for the business activity, the web of our group is Besides that, our group had done the last weekly report, which is about the last progress of business activity.

This week I had learned from my IT entrepreneurship lecturer, madam Rafidah about the good final report. At the class, madam showed for us the example of good final report. She bought four examples of final report to show for us, there are three types of good final report and one of bad final report. The report is good because it has search information, and has the thing that needed by lecturer. While the bad report is didn’t put introduction, didn’t put something that especially require by lecturer, and collect anything that didn’t useful or necessary then put it together to the report.

Besides that, our lecturer also showed to us the video presentation from her previous student. She told to us the video presentation does not need to put the entire picture that took when done the business activities. If we put the entire picture, it will make the presentation become bad. I knew that our assignment needs to burn into the disk. The good example of slide presentation must have interest, colorful, and more clearly. While, for the final report, it must follow the format of report, must clearly, and look tidiness.

At this week, our group had done one meeting at the foyer library. We discuss about the amount that we gain from the business activity. We also claim our expenditure for the business activity. After that, we discuss the final report that we need to pass up, and do the presentation.

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