Monday, 26 October 2009

Student Weekly Blog (12)

This week I our group had done the final presentation for our business activity project. We had done the final presentation at IT building room B0030 from 12.30pm until 2.00pm. Before we do the final presentation, we need to submit the final business activity report and CD that include the final report, final presentation materials, progress report, and etc.

The presentation in class need to done for 30 minutes per group. When do the presentation, we need to present the power point presentation, video or multimedia presentation, and the website presentation. We present about the activity that we done when doing our business activities. There are many interesting condition happen when we done the business activity. For the example, one time when we are take care of our booth Varsity Mall, there are foreign student want to buy the raya card to their friend, but they didn’t know to read the Malay language. They ask we either have raya card in the English language. Unfortunately, we just have the card in the Malay language. Besides that, they also want us to transfer and help them to write the greeting in Malay language. But we didn’t really understand their request.

For the video presentation, we record the situation when selling the raya card, and the way that went to our booth. We also had shown the web site for the presentation. From the web site, people can know the products that sell by our group; they can contact us when they interest to buy our product. In addition, the price of the different product also put at the web. So that people can know the price without any problem.

Lastly, we enter the last class for our IT Entrepreneurship. We submit the peer evaluation form to our lecturer. Madam Rafidah told to us the objective of the course. Before we end the class, our group member and I were took the photo with madam Rafidah.

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