Friday, 18 March 2011

Title: System development - Ondine Museum

Type: Group assignment
Course: STID3163 Software Engineering

Developed by:
Hii Shin Yen (Me)
Chin Ting Ting
Sing Siew Hoong
Wong Kar Pooi

Software: Adobe Photoshop CS4, Adobe Dreamweaver CS3, Visual Basic 6

In our project system is talking about a collection of dolls that conserve in the museum. We name it as Ondine Museum.
It consist a lot of dolls and divide to several categories. So, each category has different dolls which are place and store on different locations. For instances, Barbie dolls, Celebrities dolls, Fashion dolls and Woody dolls are being store in specific locations.

Ondine Museum System is a system that allow the visitor or public to find where the location of the dolls with easily. It also can help them to find out more about the dolls information which are on display. For instances, visitors can search where the doll located and its information with floor plan of the system.

Hence, Ondine Museum System is a computerized management system that provides the visitors the efficient ways to search and visit the museum though the facility provided to them. Then they will be able to visit the dolls museum with ease and fun without any training in the computer system.

Below are the figures of our Ondine Museum:

Figure 1: Main page of Ondine Museum system

Figure 2: Admin page

Figure 3: Staff menu

Figure 4: Staff information menu

Figure 5: Doll information menu

Figure 6: Home menu

Figure 7: Doll search

Figure 8: Doll’s information menu

Figure 9: Map

Figure 10: Leave comment menu

Title: Stop Motion – Charming Doll

Type: Group assignment
Course: STIV 3043 Technology Video Digital

Developed by:
Hii Shin Yen (Me)
Chin Ting Ting
Sing Siew Hoong
Lim Pei Jian
Margareta anak Remang

Software: Adobe Photoshop CS4, Adobe Premiere Cs4

In doing the stop motion, our group need to set the background and buy some material that we will use for the stop motion. We also take some picture and video by combining them with using the Adobe Premiere. For this stop motion we doing the storyboard, write script, and find suitable sound for the background of stop motion.

• Doll
• Doll’s friend
• Hand

Doll was enter to room after finished took her bath, and wear shoe to go out to find her friend. When she had met with her friend, suddenly she fall down. Hand will place two of the dolls in some place, and start to draw them. After hand had finished drawing, the light will close.

Below are some figures of our stop motion:

Figure 1: Background for our stop motion

Figure 2: Dolls for our stop motion

Figure 3: Poster

Title: MV - Against All Odd (WESTLIFE)

Type: Group assignment
Course: STIV 3043 Technology Video Digital

Developed by:
Hii Shin Yen (Me)
Chin Ting Ting
Sing Siew Hoong
Lim Pei Jian
Margareta anak Remang

Software: Adobe Photoshop CS4, Adobe Premiere Cs4

In develop the MV, we need to find the suitable song for our MV and find the actors for our story. The song that we choose to put in doing the MV is “Against All Odd” by Westlife. In order to develop the MV we need to learn the Adobe Premiere software so that we can easily and done the MV that we want.

Heroine is a bachelor student just goes out the working society. She has a boyfriend who loves her every much. But one day, some terrible thing happens to her. When she was walking alone at night in the dark street, she was raped by rapist. She felt herself is too dirty, live in the hell, and cannot escape from the deep and dark hell. She can’t forget what had happen at that day. Besides that, she wants to break up with her boyfriend, because she didn’t want him know what had happen to her. Due to the pressure, heroine loses her mind. She tries to suicide ….

• Heroine:
A girl who should had happy life and will be merry soon with her boy friend.
But, everything has been change since she has been raped by the rapist. Besides feel sad, she also wants to end her life…. Break up with boy friend…. Just cannot escape her from that violence.

• Hero:
He loves his girl friend deeply. But, he doesn’t know what has happen to his girl friend. He only knows that her behavior changed suddenly.
• Villain:
Rapist, rape the heroin at the dark street.
• Singers:
This MV has two singers. These two singers act as an observer of the story of heroine.

Figure 1: MV cover

Title: Game - Treasure Hunter

Type: Individual assignment
Course: STIV3093 Game Application Development
Developed by: Hii Shin Yen
Software: Game Maker 7 and Adobe Photoshop CS4

Game is a one entertainment that help people to relax their mind, and refresh they body after tire doing work. The game genre that I created was platform game which named “Treasure Hunter”. The theme is an action. In this game, player act as the treasure hunter who went to the jungle to find the treasure. In case to find the treasure, hunter need to pick up key and gem in the way go to the destination. However, there have many monster and spider that will attack player in the process to get the treasure. When player finish collects the key and gem, the door that consists of treasure will open. After the door is open, player will get the treasure.

Main page of the game

Player needs to press the “Enter” button on the keyboard to play the game.

Implementation of the game

Level 1
In the first level, player needs to collect the entire key, and defeat the spider or escape from them to get to the next level. If the player meets with the spider, the score will decrease. When player collects the entire key, the door will open and let player go to the next level.

Level 1

Level 2
In the second level, player also does the same thing, but player needs to collect the gem, not the key. At this level, player also needs to defeat the monster to reach the last level. In this level, there have bonus point for player if player pick the love in that level. However, player not needs to collect all the love to complete the level.

Level 2

Level 3
The third level is the most important level; this is because player needs to complete this level so he or she will get the treasure. In this level, player needs to collect all the key and gem so that the door will open. There have monster and spider in this level, so player needs to defeat or escape from this two types enemy. There also have bonus point at this level. After player have successful collect all the item, the door that have treasure will open.

Level 3

Saturday, 5 March 2011

Title: Poster Design - Stationery Case

Type: Individual assignment
Course: STIV 3103 User Centred Design
Developed by: Hii Shin Yen
Software: Adobe Photoshop CS4

In this assignment, I need to create a tangible product that is marketable. The product will be evaluated based on the looks, functionality and the marketable value. After had produced the product, I also need to do the poster that will advertise my product. The poster will be evaluated based on its looks and supportive information.

Below is the step that I used to do the stationery case by myself (hand making).
Stationery case (hand making)
Material: scissors, plastic bottle, flower that use to do decoration, color paper

Step 1:
Get 600ml plastic bottle

Step 1

Step 2:
Get the plastic bottle, and then open the bottle body from the top

Step 2

Step 3:
Draw some line with same wide around the bottle body, and then cut the line.

Step 3

Step 4:
Buckle the bottle body, so that the line will open out.

Step 4

Step 5:
Use the line to edit flower.

Step 5

Below is full image of the product.

Figure 1

Figure 2

Poster of the product: