Friday, 18 March 2011

Title: MV - Against All Odd (WESTLIFE)

Type: Group assignment
Course: STIV 3043 Technology Video Digital

Developed by:
Hii Shin Yen (Me)
Chin Ting Ting
Sing Siew Hoong
Lim Pei Jian
Margareta anak Remang

Software: Adobe Photoshop CS4, Adobe Premiere Cs4

In develop the MV, we need to find the suitable song for our MV and find the actors for our story. The song that we choose to put in doing the MV is “Against All Odd” by Westlife. In order to develop the MV we need to learn the Adobe Premiere software so that we can easily and done the MV that we want.

Heroine is a bachelor student just goes out the working society. She has a boyfriend who loves her every much. But one day, some terrible thing happens to her. When she was walking alone at night in the dark street, she was raped by rapist. She felt herself is too dirty, live in the hell, and cannot escape from the deep and dark hell. She can’t forget what had happen at that day. Besides that, she wants to break up with her boyfriend, because she didn’t want him know what had happen to her. Due to the pressure, heroine loses her mind. She tries to suicide ….

• Heroine:
A girl who should had happy life and will be merry soon with her boy friend.
But, everything has been change since she has been raped by the rapist. Besides feel sad, she also wants to end her life…. Break up with boy friend…. Just cannot escape her from that violence.

• Hero:
He loves his girl friend deeply. But, he doesn’t know what has happen to his girl friend. He only knows that her behavior changed suddenly.
• Villain:
Rapist, rape the heroin at the dark street.
• Singers:
This MV has two singers. These two singers act as an observer of the story of heroine.

Figure 1: MV cover

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