Saturday, 5 March 2011

Title: Poster Design - Stationery Case

Type: Individual assignment
Course: STIV 3103 User Centred Design
Developed by: Hii Shin Yen
Software: Adobe Photoshop CS4

In this assignment, I need to create a tangible product that is marketable. The product will be evaluated based on the looks, functionality and the marketable value. After had produced the product, I also need to do the poster that will advertise my product. The poster will be evaluated based on its looks and supportive information.

Below is the step that I used to do the stationery case by myself (hand making).
Stationery case (hand making)
Material: scissors, plastic bottle, flower that use to do decoration, color paper

Step 1:
Get 600ml plastic bottle

Step 1

Step 2:
Get the plastic bottle, and then open the bottle body from the top

Step 2

Step 3:
Draw some line with same wide around the bottle body, and then cut the line.

Step 3

Step 4:
Buckle the bottle body, so that the line will open out.

Step 4

Step 5:
Use the line to edit flower.

Step 5

Below is full image of the product.

Figure 1

Figure 2

Poster of the product:

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