Friday, 31 July 2009

Student Weekly Blog Report (2)

This week I will do the note for IT Entrepreneurship. Besides that, I also have the meeting with my group, for discuss the four application that based on theme for business ideas proposal.

I had accomplished the two reports that need to do, after I went to the workshop that presented by Dr. Ahmad Affendi Shabdin and Dr.Siti Jamilah Bidin. I also had put my picture to my blog, and dispose a little bit for the blog.

My most concern thing was the proposal that need to do. I had done the proposal; it is about education and lesson to people from the animation. The theme of the proposal is One Malaysia. Besides that, I also concern to the report that I done after listened the workshop, because I didn’t used any format to write the report. I just wrote the report like writing normal essay.

At the end of week reflections, I learned about creativity, the business idea, and opportunity analysis. There are many sources of new idea such as consumers, the informal monitoring of potential ideas and needs; we can analysis uncovers ways to improve offerings that may result in a new product or services from the existing products and services; and distribution channels that help market to newly the developed products. Besides that, federal government and research and development also are sources of new ideas.

There are three methods of generating new ideas. Focus group is the one of the idea. Focus groups mean that moderator focuses discussion of the group in a directive or nondirective manner. Brainstorming and problem inventory analyses are another two of new ideas. Brainstorming is the method that allows people to be stimulated to greater creativity, while for the problem inventory analysis, it like the analogous to focus groups and can be used to test a new product idea.

I also learned that creativity is an important attribute of a successful entrepreneur, and it is tend to decline with age, education, lack of use and bureaucracy. There are many type of creative problem solving techniques. For the example, brainstorming is used in creative problem solving and idea generation; reserve brainstorming is a group of method for obtaining new ideas focusing on the negative; brainwriting is the form of written brainstorming; and Gordon method is for developing new ideas when the individuals are unaware of the problem.

For the market and opportunity to do the business, we need to address the size and the characteristics of the market. Market data should be collected for at least three years. Besides that, it can be done through gathering as mush secondary data as possible. Entrepreneur can determine if the market is large enough and suitable to warrant time or not to enter the market. Entrepreneur and the entrepreneurial team need to be assessed at least one person on the team needs to have experience in the industry area of the new idea.

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